
In today's competitive marketplace, a strong trademark is fundamental to brand identity and market success. Our dedicated team of intellectual property (IP) attorneys provides a comprehensive suite of trademark registration and management services designed to safeguard your brand reputation and maximize its value.

Our Services

  • Trademark Search & Clearance

    We conduct thorough trademark searches to identify potential conflicts before you invest in branding efforts. This minimizes the risk of future infringement and ensures a smoother registration process.

  • Trademark Registration

    We guide you through the entire trademark registration process with the Indian Trademark Registry as well as in IP offices of United States, Europe, Australia, Germany, etc. We ensure your application meets all legal requirements and maximizing the chances of successful registration.

  • Trademark Enforcement & Litigation

    We take a proactive approach to protecting your brand. In the event of infringement, we offer aggressive enforcement strategies to deter unauthorized use and preserve your trademark rights. If litigation becomes necessary, our experienced attorneys will represent you effectively in court.

  • Trademark Portfolio Management

    We assist with the ongoing management of your trademark portfolio, including maintenance filings, monitoring for potential infringements, and developing strategies to strengthen your brand over time.

Start Your Trademark Journey Today!

Start Your Trademark Journey Today!

Frequently asked questions

  • A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination of these that identifies and distinguishes the source of your goods or services from those of others. It protects your brand identity and prevents competitors from using confusingly similar marks. A trademark helps you build brand recognition, consumer trust, and ultimately, market share.

  • Many things can be trademarked, including logos, slogans, product names, and even sounds or taglines. However, certain things cannot be trademarked, such as generic terms, descriptive phrases, or common symbols. We recommend consulting with our attorneys to determine if your mark is eligible for registration.

  • The trademark registration process involves conducting a trademark search, filing an application with the Indian Trademark Registry, and responding to any potential conflicts. Our attorney can guide you through this process and ensure your application meets all legal requirements.

  • If someone uses a mark that is confusingly similar to yours, you have the right to take legal action. This may involve sending a cease-and-desist letter, negotiating a settlement, or filing a lawsuit. Our attorneys can help you enforce your trademark rights effectively.

  • In India, a registered trademark lasts for ten years from the date of application and can be renewed indefinitely as long as you continue to use the mark in commerce and file the necessary maintenance documents.

  • While it is not technically mandatory to have a lawyer to register a trademark, the process can be complex and involve legal nuances. Our attorney can help you navigate the process efficiently, avoid potential pitfalls, and maximize your chances of successful registration.