Industrial Designs

In India's rapidly evolving design landscape, protecting your unique creations is crucial for commercial success. Visual identity plays a key role in consumer recognition and market differentiation. Our attorneys are dedicated to empowering designers and businesses to navigate the legalities of industrial design protection under Indian law.

The Power of Industrial Design Registration

The Designs Act, 2000, governs industrial design protection in India. Registering your design with the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM) grants you exclusive rights for a period of 10 years, with the option for renewal for an additional 5 years. This legal protection allows you to:

Prevent unauthorized copying or imitation: The registration acts as a legal deterrent against competitors who attempt to replicate your design for commercial gain.

  • Enforce your rights: In the event of infringement, your registration enables you to pursue legal action against copycats, seeking compensation for damages.

  • Enhance brand value: A registered design signifies originality and fosters consumer trust in your brand's commitment to innovation.

  • Facilitate licensing and commercialization: A registered design becomes a valuable asset, allowing you to enter licensing agreements or partnerships based on its exclusivity.

Our Services

  • Design Evaluation

    We analyze your design to assess its eligibility for protection, identify potential challenges, and advise on the most effective course of action.

  • Novelty Search

    We conduct thorough searches to identify existing registered designs that might conflict with yours, minimizing risks and maximizing your chances of successful registration.

  • Industrial Design Application Drafting & Filing

    Our skilled attorneys draft reliable applications that clearly and comprehensively define your design's unique features, ensuring a strong foundation for protection.

  • Registration & Portfolio Management

    We assist you with the entire registration process, including overcoming potential objections, and managing your design portfolio for optimal protection over time.

  • Strategic Enforcement & Litigation

    If infringement occurs, we are prepared to take decisive legal action to protect your design rights and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Why Choose Namami Law Offices?

Deep Expertise

Our team possesses in-depth knowledge of Indian and international industrial design laws, ensuring we navigate the nuances of protecting your design effectively.

Seamless Application Process

From design disclosure to registration and beyond, we guide you through every step of the industrial design protection process, ensuring your application meets all legal requirements for a successful grant.

Strategic Guidance

We collaborate closely with you to understand the unique features and functionality of your design, developing a tailored protection strategy that maximizes its commercial potential.

Global Reach

We leverage our network of international IP professionals to assist you in securing industrial design protection in countries around the world.

Start Your Industrial Design Journey Today!

Start Your Industrial Design Journey Today!

Frequently asked questions

  • The Designs Act, 2000 protects the appearance of a product, not its functionality. This includes the overall shape, configuration, pattern, ornamentation, or any combination of these features. The design should be applicable to an article by an industrial process (e.g., manufactured goods).

  • Designs that are purely functional, commonplace within the industry, or dictated solely by the article's technical function cannot be registered. Similarly, designs that are immoral, scandalous, or offensive to public order or decency are not registrable.

  • Your design must be "new" or "original" in the sense that it is not identical or a mere variation of an existing registered design. It should possess a distinct visual character that wouldn't be readily predictable based on existing designs.

  • A novelty search is not mandatory, but highly recommended. It involves searching existing registered designs to identify potential conflicts with yours. This can minimize risks of application rejection and potential infringement lawsuits later.

  • The processing time for design registration can vary depending on the complexity of the design and any objections raised by the CGPDTM during examination. On average, it can take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to receive a registration grant.

  • If someone infringes on your registered design by making, selling, or importing articles that copy its key features, you have the legal right to take action. This may involve sending cease-and-desist letters, negotiating settlements, or pursuing legal action in court to seek compensation for damages. Our attorney can advise you on the best course of action in case of infringement.

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